The Tyger's Den Headline Animator

The Tyger's Den

Monday, June 22, 2009

I have nothing else to do.

Therefore, I ramble in a blog.

I'm sitting in a Borders coffee shop, guarding Lona's coffee and listening to a snooty woman talk about how rich her husband is and how she could never be poor, and how she's been off of exercising for 3 months because she pulled her hamstring and just got back to working out today. She's disgusted, you see, because in those three months, she gained a whole 6 pounds. ~gasp!~

Maybe it's the fact that I'm already in a bad mood from my tummy being blah since last night (and I'm talking a tummy that can't decide between pained, hungry, or nauseated), but she was really getting on my nerves.

Oh well, Lona and Nyxie are back now. So I might expand on it later.
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Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Week Of Change

Still doing job hunting. No real bites, so far. But I'm confident that I'll find something soon.

In the mean time, I gotta get used to a much busier lifestyle. I'm now thinking that I'll keep whatever job I get, through the next couple of semesters. I've also decided to go ahead and get my AA in Anthropology before I move to UCLA for the Palentology program. So that's a decision made.

Other potentially life-changing decisions have also been made recently. There will be more on that in the next few days.
Anyway, they are back now and I'm not bored anymore, so I'm closing this journal down.
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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Another one bites the dust.

Only 2 days to go and this semester is over. That's good and bad news, as I found out today that, at least for next semester, Glass Blowing has been discontinued due to budget cuts. I'm sad about that because I know my brother really wanted to take it, and it'll bum him out.

On the other paw, I'm excited because our class mural (a picture of Wolverine from X-Men, cut up into many different pieces and each piece done in charcoal by a different student) came out absolutely awesome!

Our teacher is gonna enter it into next year's Student Art Show under the class project category. I'm gonna watch close to see if it gets in.

In other news, I forgot the combination to my downstairs art locker that held my empty Art Bin. Not only that, but I lost the reminder paper I'd had. So, unless I can get security to help me out in the next two days, I can kiss my unused Art Bin goodbye.

Anyone in the Santa Ana, CA area with a large set of bolt cutters that's willing to help a puppy out?

That's it for now!

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

In Class

Waiting desperately to get my final and get out of here. I hope he doesn't talk a lot before he gives it to us. I anticipate a B in this class. Shouldn't be too bad.

Sitting in a Barnes & Noble...

Sitting in a Bookstore is always kind of depressing. I never have the money to just GET all of the books that I want.

And, on top of that, everything seems to come in series! There are almost no stand alone books, anymore. I found a cute book today and was reading it for awhile. If it had been a stand-alone, I probably would've gotten it. I thought it WAS a stand-alone... Until I took a good look at the back of the book. In small print: "Be sure to catch the next of Waggit's adventures..."

I stared at it for a moment, then sighed and put the book down. Because, if I'm gonna read a series, I'm gonna read the whole thing at once. That's why I'm waiting for all six of the Warriors: The Power Of Three series to be out in paperback before I read any of them.

All of this has just brought one reality into harsh relief for me.

I really need to get a library card again.

That's it for now. I'm heading off to my Vista final, now. More tracks to come.
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So, I was playing Luminary tonight to pass time before bed (posting from my phone because I'm getting ready for bed), and randomly, on the last Cursed Talasco I killed before my Stinky Hotpot ran out, I got a Legendary Ginseng.

And for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about... You knew I was a gamer geek when you started watching me. That's all for now.
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Monday, June 1, 2009

Second Post! Also A Test...

OK! If I've done this right, I've set up my new mobile blog at Blogger to post to my LiveJournal, too! For those of you who are on Blogger and want to follow both at the same TIME, my Blogger address is here: Dire Wolf Tracks: Tygerwolfe's Mobile Blog

That's it for now! Expect more posts than just Twitters from me for awhile. :)

First Post!

OK! So at my sisters urging (Trinitylast & Nyx Goldstone), I created this blog for when I'm out and about, and Twitter's 140 Character limit just isn't enough!

I'd originally intended my first post to be about how bored I was in class. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. :P By the time I'd gotten the blog set up, I was out of class and home, so I finished on my computer.

Which I'm happy about, because I was able to make my own header image, which I like very much.

Anyway, this is gonna be the place I leave tracks when I'm out and about. For other places you can find me, please check out my website: . That's all for now!